Statistics and Risk Management (CMA-SRM)
Statistics and Risk Management

Centre for Mathematics and Applications (CMA)

Publications Count: 44

44 Team Members
Filters -> Year: 2019
TITLE: The exact and near-exact distributions for the statistic used to test the reality of covariance matrix in a complex normal distribution
AUTHORS: Grilo, LM ; Coelho, CA ;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: International Conference on Matrix Analysis and its Applications, MAT-TRIAD 2015 in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, VOLUME: 192, PAGES: 295-315
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 1
TITLE: The Likelihood Ratio Test for Equality of Mean Vectors with Compound Symmetric Covariance Matrices
AUTHORS: Carlos A Coelho ;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 17th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications (ICCSA) in COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS - ICCSA 2017, PT V, VOLUME: 10408, PAGES: 20-32
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 1
TITLE: Time Series Data Mining for Energy Prices Forecasting: An Application to Real Data
AUTHORS: Costa e Silva, Eliana ; Ana Borges ; Teodoro, M. Filomena ; Marina A P Andrade; Ricardo Covas ;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 16th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA) in INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS (ISDA 2016), VOLUME: 557, PAGES: 649-658
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS DBLP CrossRef: 2
TITLE: Variance components estimation in mixed linear model—the sub-diagonalization method
AUTHORS: Silva, Adilson ; Fonseca, M; Mexia, J;
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: International Conference on Matrix Analysis and its Applications, MAT-TRIAD 2015 in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, VOLUME: 192, PAGES: 317-341
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 1

Results per Page: 20.
Page 3 of 3. Total results: 44.