Currently, the Authenticus database includes publications from researchers associated to Portuguese researchers that are indexed by ISI Web-of-Knowledge, Scopus, ORCID and DBLP.

Authenticus restricts access to the full publication metadata to users that normally have access to this information in their institutions. This is the case for users that can authenticate using the federated authenticiation provided by FCCN, which also serves to certify b-on access.

When a user logins in Authenticus, he gains access to the "My Data" menu. This menu includes, among others, an entry "To validate" that once clicked allows the user to see 3 lists of publications:

Identified list. These are publications that Authenticus identified as being yours with high certainty. By default, each publication is marked as yours and the author name to which you were associated is also displayed. If the publication is not yours, you need to click on "No". At the end of the displayed list, you should confirm the marked publications as yours or not yours. Those confirmed as yours, will go into the confirmed list.

Probable list. These are publications for which Authenticus has you as a potential author, although with a certainty that is below a decision threshold. Here, by default, the publications are marked as not yours. If one of the publications is indeed yours, then you need to click on "Yes" for that publication. At the end of the displayed list, you should confirm the listed publications as yours or not yours. This confirmation  moves the publications confirmed as yours to the confirmed list, those that are not yours will be removed from your probable list. 

Selected list. This are publications that you added as new and are awaiting identification by Authenticus. You can nevertheless confirm which of the authors is you.

In "My Data", follow the "Add New" link and this leads you to a form in which you can add publications of yours that are missing in Authenticus database. For missing ISI publications, you can provide the publication "Accession Number" (WOS) or DOI, and the corresponding publication will be retrieved. Similarly for Scopus, ORCID and DBLP. For now we are only allowing users to add indexed publications.

This can happen for two reasons, either the algorithm didn't succeed in identifying some of your publications, or some publications have not yet been uploaded into Authentics. Please add them in the interface through the "Add New" link.

In principle yes. If your institution has the rights to access the data, and if it already has its information system ready to access Authenticus data, then it will be an automatic process in which all publications that you confirm as yours will be transferred.

One example in which this is already a reality is with University of Porto and its information system, SIGARRA. All Authenticus confirmed publications will be transferred to SIGARRA on a daily basis. 

Yes, we offer that possibility, but please use this facility very sparingly as there is a cost associated with it. Authenticus will update citations for all publications in the database at least twice a year.

The association of publications to institutions is in itself a problem as difficult as for author name disambiguation. We associate a publication to an institution if an author has been identified with a researcher that is know to belong to that institution or if the algorithm succeeds in associating the publication to the institution from the publication address. We only consider a person associated  with an institution if that is confirmed through the institution itself, FCT or REBIDES. Through REBIDES we only consider if the person has a full time contract or an exclusivity contract with the institution. There can be more publications then the real value, if the publications were not yet confirmed and there could be some wrong assignments, but these should be in low numbers. There can be publications missing if the number of confirmations by researchers is still low.

For now, we only include some bibliometric indicators for individual researchers. This is still ongoing work and its intent is mostly to empower the researcher with information that he may find it useful for his own publication strategy. In the near future, we will also implement bibliometric indicators for institutions.

There are two types of association that a user can have with the institution in order to manage it.

Institution Editor – it is the default association type. An editor inherits permissions in a top-down manner, meaning, that the editor can edit data of an institution and of every sub-institution in its lower structure tree. 
Institution Administrators – is the most important type of association. An administrator has the same permissions as an editor, but additionally has access to extra functionalities such as: can edit the institution structure, nominate editors for an institution and for every sub-institution in its lower structure tree, and can request an API Token to access Authenticus API

A user can request to become an institution administrator or editor using an interface available at user profile. After authentication in Authenticus, user should go to: Groups → Institution Admin/Editor → Request to be Admin/Editor of an Institution.
The request is sent to Authenticus Managers that decide whether or not the permissions for this institution should be granted. Authenticus Managers verify the request, eventually by enquiring directly the institutions whether the user is credible to manage the institution profile.
In case the institution has associated an institutional administrator, then he/she can delegate a new editor for an institution and of every sub-institution in its lower structure tree. 

The Authenticus system imports publications from ORCID which has a valid publication identifier, namely DOI, WOS ID, Scopus ID or ISBN. Using the identifiers Authenticus imports the publication metadata from the original source. Publications inserted at ORCID manually by the user, without one of the identificers listed above, are not imported.



Currently, importing publications from CIÊNCIAVITAE works similarly to the existing import of publications from ORCID. Authenticus uses the CIÊNCIAVITAE API and retrieves the "public outputs" (publications) registered in the profile identified with CIÊNCIA ID of a researcher. The system analyses the data with a content type: **P1** (PT: Publicações / EN: Publications) and stores the metadata in the database.

The records with a valid publication identifier, namely DOI, WOS ID, Scopus ID or ISBN, are processed and in case a publication with such identifiers is not yet present in the Authenticus system, the original metadata is imported and inserted into Authenticus and associated with the researcher. Publications (outputs) with privacy levels not **public** are not imported by the API.

Publications inserted at CIÊNCIAVITAE manually by the user, without one of the identifiers listed above, are not imported into the Authenticus.

The import of the metadata from CIÊNCIAVITAE can be done a the researcher profile -> Syncronizations -> CIÊNCIAVITAE Syncronization.

At this moment the import of publications from CIÊNCIAVITAE works in a similar way as importing publications from ORCID. The records at CIÊNCIAVITAE profile with DOI, WOS ID, Scopus ID or ISBN, are processed and those publications not yet present Authenticus are imported from the original metadata source, inserted and associated with the researcher.

We are developing such functionality and it will be available soon. Right now, a researcher can use an indirect solution which consists in giving once the permission for Authenticus to synchronize to ORCID all of his validated publications in Authenticus and then from CIENCIAVITAE synchronize with ORCID.

Authentics imports publications by HandleID (ex: 10400.26/37593)  or HandleURI (ex: which are resolved by the Handle Net Proxy  

Publications from local repositories, which have handleID/handleURI not resolved by the Handle Proxy are not imported into the Authenticus system.

Authenticus only imports metadata of documents which have the following types: book, book chapter, article, proceedings paper, preprint, dataset, report, review, proceedings patent, abstract, editorial material, phd thesis.