TITLE: ICRF Wall Conditioning: Present Status and Developments for Future Superconducting Fusion Machines  Full Text
AUTHORS: Lyssoivan, A; Koch, R; J.-M Noterdaeme; Philipps, V; Van Eester, D; Vervier, M; Rohde, V; Bobkov, V; Sergienko, G; de la Cal, E; Esser, HG; Gauthier, E; Hartmann, DA; Douai, D; Louche, F; Ashikawa, N; Bae, YD; Beaumont, B; Becoulet, A; Bremond, S; Dumont, R; Graham, M; Hu, J; Kwak, JG; Laengner, R; Lamalle, PU; Lerche, E; Marchuk, O; M.-L Mayoral; Moiseenko, VE; MonakhoV, I; Nightingale, M; Ongena, J; Paul, MK; Pitts, R; Plyusnin, V ; Schmitz, O; Schüller, FC; Shimada, M; Unterberg, B; Van Schoor, M; Van Wassenhove, G; Volkov, ED; Wauters, T; Weynants, R; Zhao, Y; Volodymyr Bobkov; Jean-Marie Noterdaeme; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 18th Topical Conference on Radio Frequence Power in Plasmas in RADIO FREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS, VOLUME: 1187
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TITLE: Overview of Recent Results on Heating and Current Drive in the JET tokamak  Full Text
AUTHORS: M.-L Mayoral; Ongena, J; Argouarch, A; Yu Baranov; Blackman, T; Bobkov, V; Budny, R; Colas, L; Czarnecka, A; Delpech, L; Durodié, F; Ekedahl, A; Gauthier, M; Goniche, M; Goulding, R; Graham, M; Hillairet, J; Huygen, S; Ph Jacquet; Johnson, T; Kiptily, V; Kirov, K; Laxåback, M; Lerche, E; Mailloux, J; Monakhov, I; Nave, MFF ; Nightingale, M; Plyusnin, V ; Petrzilka, V; Rimini, F; Van Eester, D; Whitehurst, A; Wooldridge, E; Vrancken, M; Volodymyr Bobkov; Jean-Marie Noterdaeme; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2009, SOURCE: 18th Topical Conference on Radio Frequence Power in Plasmas in RADIO FREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS, VOLUME: 1187
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef
TITLE: Detection of runaway electrons using Cherenkov-type detector s in the ISTTOK Tokamak
AUTHORS: Plyusnin, VV ; Jakubowski, L; Zebrowski, J; Fernandes, H; Silva, C ; Duarte, P; Malinowski, K; Rabinski, M; Sadowski, MJ;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: 35th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2008 Combined with the 10th International Workshop on Fast Ignition of Fusion Targets in 35th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2008, EPS 2008 - Europhysics Conference Abstracts, VOLUME: 32, ISSUE: 3
TITLE: Use of Cherenkov-type detectors for measurements of runaway electrons in the ISTTOK tokamak  Full Text
AUTHORS: Plyusnin, VV ; Jakubowski, L; Zebrowski, J; Fernandes, H; Silva, C ; Malinowski, K; Duarte, P; Rabinski, M; Sadowski, MJ;
PUBLISHED: 2008, SOURCE: 17th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics in REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, VOLUME: 79, ISSUE: 10
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TITLE: Effect of the plasma geometry evolution on runaway electron generation in tokamak disruptions
AUTHORS: Plyusnin, VV ;
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: 32nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion combined with the 8th International Workshop on Fast Ignition of Fusion Targets in 32nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2005, EPS 2005, Held with the 8th International Workshop on Fast Ignition of Fusion Targets - Europhysics Conference Abstracts, VOLUME: 3
TITLE: Electron temperature determination and subsequent analysis of short time-scale variation of plasma parameters in ISTTOK discharges  Full Text
AUTHORS: Plyusnin, VV ; Cabral, JAC; Figueiredo, H; Varandas, CAF ;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: 14th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics in REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, VOLUME: 74, ISSUE: 3
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TITLE: Runaway effects at the plasma boundary in ISTTOK  Full Text
AUTHORS: Plyusnin, VV ; Cabral, JAC; Figueiredo, H; Varandas, CAF ;
PUBLISHED: 2003, SOURCE: 15th International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI-15) in JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS, VOLUME: 313, ISSUE: SUPPL.
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Page 3 of 3. Total results: 28.