João António Mendes Serra Pratas
AuthID: R-000-6SC
TITLE: Biosorption of gold from aqueous solutions by two species of Fontinalis Full Text
AUTHORS: Paulo Favas ; Filipe Pratas; Joao Pratas; Jorge Canhoto;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: European Biotechnology Congress in JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, VOLUME: 185
AUTHORS: Paulo Favas ; Filipe Pratas; Joao Pratas; Jorge Canhoto;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: European Biotechnology Congress in JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY, VOLUME: 185
TITLE: Uranium in soils, waters and plants of the old mine of Sevilha, Tábua, Central Portugal [Urânio em solos, águas e plantas da antiga mina de Sevilha, Tábua, Centro de Portugal]
AUTHORS: Favas, PJC ; Pratas, J;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Comunicacoes Geologicas, VOLUME: 101
AUTHORS: Favas, PJC ; Pratas, J;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Comunicacoes Geologicas, VOLUME: 101
TITLE: Heavy metals in soil and spontaneous flora in a lead mine area, Barbadalhos mine, Central Portugal [Metais pesados em solos e vegetação espontânea da área de uma mina de chumbo, mina de Barbadalhos, Centro de Portugal]
AUTHORS: Pratas, J; Favas, PJC ; D'Souza, R; Varun, M; Paul, MS;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Comunicacoes Geologicas, VOLUME: 101
AUTHORS: Pratas, J; Favas, PJC ; D'Souza, R; Varun, M; Paul, MS;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Comunicacoes Geologicas, VOLUME: 101
TITLE: Flotation of sulphides of the heap tailings of the old mine of escádia grande (Góis) [Flutuação de sulfuretos do estéril da antiga mina da escádia grande (góis)]
AUTHORS: Mondlane, N; Pita, F; Pratas, J;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Comunicacoes Geologicas, VOLUME: 101
AUTHORS: Mondlane, N; Pita, F; Pratas, J;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Comunicacoes Geologicas, VOLUME: 101
TITLE: Environmental impact of the activity of the old Pb and Zn mine of Barbadalhos: Assessment of soils contamination [Impacte ambiental da actividade da antiga mina de Pb e Zn de Barbadalhos: Avaliação da contaminação dos solos]
AUTHORS: Morais, I; Campos, J; Carvalhais, J; Faim, R; Pratas, J;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Comunicacoes Geologicas, VOLUME: 101
AUTHORS: Morais, I; Campos, J; Carvalhais, J; Faim, R; Pratas, J;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Comunicacoes Geologicas, VOLUME: 101
TITLE: Heavy metals accumulation in soil and plants in a lead old mine: Prospects for phytoremediation
AUTHORS: Pratas, J; Favas, PJC; D’Souza, R; Varun, M; Paul, MS;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference and EXPO, SGEM 2014 in International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, VOLUME: 1, ISSUE: 5
AUTHORS: Pratas, J; Favas, PJC; D’Souza, R; Varun, M; Paul, MS;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 14th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference and EXPO, SGEM 2014 in International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, VOLUME: 1, ISSUE: 5
TITLE: Uranium Bioavailability and Environmental Risk Assessment in Soils Contaminated by Mining
AUTHORS: Paulo J C Favas ; Joao Pratas;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: International Conference on Environment Systems Science and Engineering (ESSE) in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (ESSE 2014), VOLUME: 9
AUTHORS: Paulo J C Favas ; Joao Pratas;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: International Conference on Environment Systems Science and Engineering (ESSE) in INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (ESSE 2014), VOLUME: 9
TITLE: Trace Elements in Edible Rocky Shore Species: Effect of Sewage Discharges and Human Health Risk Implications Full Text
AUTHORS: Joana Cabral-Oliveira; João Pratas; Susana Mendes; Miguel A Pardal;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, VOLUME: 21, ISSUE: 1
AUTHORS: Joana Cabral-Oliveira; João Pratas; Susana Mendes; Miguel A Pardal;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, VOLUME: 21, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: Metal Contamination of Soils and Prospects of Phytoremediation in and Around River Yamuna: A Case Study from North-Central India
AUTHORS: Manoj S.; Mayank Varun; Rohan DSouza; Paulo J.C.; Joo Pratas;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Environmental Risk Assessment of Soil Contamination
AUTHORS: Manoj S.; Mayank Varun; Rohan DSouza; Paulo J.C.; Joo Pratas;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Environmental Risk Assessment of Soil Contamination
TITLE: Phytoremediation of Soils Contaminated with Metals and Metalloids at Mining Areas: Potential of Native Flora
AUTHORS: Paulo J.C.; Joo Pratas; Mayank Varun; Rohan DSouza; Manoj S.;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Environmental Risk Assessment of Soil Contamination
AUTHORS: Paulo J.C.; Joo Pratas; Mayank Varun; Rohan DSouza; Manoj S.;
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: Environmental Risk Assessment of Soil Contamination