Researcher affiliations based on the institution where he/she is assigned.

Higher Education - UniversityYearAssociation Type
Faculdade de Medicina (FMUC)
University of Coimbra (UC)
2019Docente universitário :: Assistente convidado
Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Beira Interior (UBI)
2019Docente universitário :: Professor associado convidado
Research & Development - Research CenterYearAssociation Type
Primary Health Care Research (PrimeCare)
Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS) :: Preventive Health and Societal Challenges
2018 - 2024Integrated Member
Other - Hospital, Fundation etcYearAssociation Type
RISE-HEALTH: Health Research Network (RISE-Health)
* This type of affilation source is not used in Authenticus and is only informative. All reports and statistics are retrieved using the other types.
** This options is temorarly disabled.