TITLE: Recent progress on JET towards the ITER reference mode of operation at high density
AUTHORS: Ongena, J; Suttrop, W; Bécoulet, M; Cordey, G; Dumortier, P; Th Eich; Ingesson, LC; Jachmich, S; Lang, P; Loarte, A; Lomas, P; Maddison, GP; Messiaen, A; Nave, MFF ; Rapp, J; Saibene, G; Sartori, R; Sauter, O; Strachan, JD; Unterberg, B; Valovic, M; Alper, B; Ph Andrew; Baranov, Y; Brzozowski, J; Bucalossi, J; Brix, M; Budny, R; Charlet, M; Coffey, I; De D Baar; De D Vries; Gowers, C; Hawkes, N; von v Hellermann; Hillis, DL; Hogan, J; Jackson, GL; Joffrin, E; Jupen, C; Kallenbach, A; Koslowski, HR; Lawson, KD; Mantsinen, M; Matthews, G; Monier-Garbet, P; McDonald, D; Milani, F; Murakami, M; Murari, A; Neu, R; Parail, V; Podda, S; Puiatti, ME; Righi, E; Sartori, F; Sarazin, Y; Staebler, A; Stamp, M; Telesca, G; Valisa, M; Weyssow, B; K-D Zastrow; Contributors to the EFDA-JET Workprogramme; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2001, SOURCE: 28th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics in PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, VOLUME: 43, ISSUE: 12A
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