TITLE: The rest-frame optical colours of 99 000 Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies. The rest-frame colours of SDSS galaxies  Full Text
AUTHORS: Smolčić, V; Ivezić, Ž; Gaćeša, M; Rakos, K; Pavlovski, K; Ilijić, S; Obrić, M; Lupton, RH; Schlegel, D; Kauffmann, G; Tremonti, C; Brinchmann, J ; Charlot, S; Heckman, TM; Knapp, GR; Gunn, JE; Brinkmann, J; Csabai, I; Fukugita, M; Loveday, J;
PUBLISHED: 2006, SOURCE: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, VOLUME: 371, ISSUE: 1
INDEXED IN: CrossRef: 24