TITLE: International Sexual Health and REproductive health (I-SHARE) survey during COVID-19: Study protocol for online national surveys and global comparative analyses
AUTHORS: Michielsen, K; Larrson, EC; Kågesten, A; Erausquin, JT; Griffin, S; van de Velde, S; Tucker, JD; Ahmad, NA; Bajos, N; Briken, P; Burns, S; Calvo, S; Chhoun, P; Corina, IT; Delvaux, T; Eleuteri, S; Francis, J; Gabster, A; Gichangi, P; Godana, W; Lopez Gomex, A; Griffin, S; Hald, GM; Hensel, D; Hurtado Murillo, F; Kemingisha, E; Kimani, S; Klapilova, K; Knight, L; Lazdane, G; Low, WY; Maatouk, I; Mark, K; Moreau, C; Morroni, C; Nimbi, FM; Nobre, P; Nyakato, VN; O'Hara, CA; Olumide, A; Perrotta, G; Rivera, RM; Rivillas, JC; Rubio Aurioles, E; Shaeer, O; Shamu, S; Strizzi, J; Tan, RKJ; Tang, K; Tang, W; Vega, B; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2020, SOURCE: Sexually Transmitted Infections