TITLE: Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen stable isotopes in modern tooth enamel: A case study from Gorongosa National Park, central Mozambique
AUTHORS: Lüdecke, T; Leichliter, JN; Aldeias, V; Bamford, MK; Biro, D; Braun, DR; Capelli, C; Cybulski, JD; Duprey, NN; Ferreira da Silva, MJ; Foreman, AD; Habermann, JM; Haug, GH; Martínez, FI; Mathe, J; Mulch, A; Sigman, DM; Vonhof, H; Bobe, R; Carvalho, S; Martínez García, A; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, VOLUME: 10