Real Time Web Publishing of Environmental Noise Monitoring Data

Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in PROCEEDINGS OF 2015 3RD EXPERIMENT AT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (EXP AT'15) in Experiment at International Conference, ISSN: 2376-631X
Pages: 56-59 (4)
Conference on 3Rd Experiment International Conference Online Experimentation, Date: JUN 02-04, 2015, Location: UNIVERSITY OF THE AZORES, Sao miguel, PORTUGAL, Sponsors: U.PORTO, Universidade De Coimbra, Governo dos acores, Governo dos acores, FCT, Ponta Delgada, Ribeira Grande, Coliseu Micaelense, REC, ExpLab, Sata, Marc, Mixtronica, RS, Controlar, HFA, Inegi, EDA, Carg Base, Courrensc, Critical, Itgrow, Ingevideo, Cuba Learning e Factoring, Gorreana, Do morgado, A mulher De Capote, IEEE, IGIP, Spee, Nerela, Go-lab, Cisco, IAOE., Emerald, JOE, JIM, Host: UNIVERSITY OF THE AZORES
Publication Identifiers
Scopus: 2-s2.0-84973606530
Wos: WOS:000411316200011
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2376-631X
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