TITLE: Benchmarking 2D against 3D FDTD codes for the assessment of the measurement performance of a low field side plasma position reflectometer applicable to IDTT
AUTHORS: Da Silva, F; Ricardo, E; Ferreira, J; Santos, J; Heuraux, S; Silva, A; Ribeiro, T; De Masi, G; Tudisco, O; Cavazzana, R; D'Arcangelo, O;
PUBLISHED: 2022, SOURCE: 4th European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD) in JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, VOLUME: 17, ISSUE: 1
TITLE: A first full wave simulation assessment of reflectometry for DTT
AUTHORS: da Silva, F; Ferreira, J; De Masi, G; Heuraux, S; Ricardo, E; Ribeiro, T; Tudisco, O; Cavazzana, R; D'Arcangelo, O; Silva, A;
PUBLISHED: 2019, SOURCE: 3rd European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD) in JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION, VOLUME: 14, ISSUE: 8
TITLE: A double success story: The international cooperation to build the new ICRF antennas on ASDEX Upgrade and the results obtained  Full Text
AUTHORS: Fuenfgelder, H; Aguiam, D; D'Arcangelo, O; Bobkov, V; Ceccuzzi, S; Chen, Y; Faugel, H; Jacquot, J; Maggiora, R; Mancini, A; Milanesio, D; Noterdaeme, JM; Ochoukov, R; Rocchi, G; Silva, A; Tuccillo, A; Tudisco, O; Vierle, T; Wang, Y; Yang, Q; Zammuto, I; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 29th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT) in FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, VOLUME: 123
TITLE: X-mode raw data analysis of the new AUG ICRF antenna edge density profile reflectometer  Full Text
AUTHORS: Aguiam, DE; Silva, A; Bobkov, V; Carvalho, PJ; Carvalho, PF; Cavazzana, R; Conway, GD; D'Arcangelo, O; Fattorini, L; Faugel, H; Fernandes, A; Fuenfgelder, H; Goncalves, B; Guimarais, L; De Masi, G; Meneses, L; Noterdaeme, JM; Pereira, RC; Rocchi, G; Santos, JM; Tuccillo, AA; Tudisco, O; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2017, SOURCE: 29th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT) in FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, VOLUME: 123
TITLE: Implementation of the new multichannel X-mode edge density profile reflectometer for the ICRF antenna on ASDEX Upgrade
AUTHORS: Aguiam, DE; Silva, A; Bobkov, V; Carvalho, PJ; Carvalho, PF; Cavazzana, R; Conway, GD; D'Arcangelo, O; Fattorini, L; Faugel, H; Fernandes, A; Fuenfgelder, H; Goncalves, B; Guimarais, L; De Masi, G; Meneses, L; Noterdaeme, JM; Pereira, RC; Rocchi, G; Santos, JM; Tuccillo, AA; Tudisco, O; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2016, SOURCE: 21st Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics in REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, VOLUME: 87, ISSUE: 11
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef: 7
TITLE: Design, laboratory characterization and installation of the multichannel reflectometer's transmission lines at ICRF antenna in Asdex Upgrade
AUTHORS: D'Arcangelo, O; Tudisco, O; Ceccuzzi, S; Füenfgelder, H; Rocchi, G; Conway, GD; De Masi, G; Fattorini, L; Friesen, J; Meneses, L; Siegl, G; Silva, A; Noterdaeme, JM; Simonetto, A; Tuccillo, AA; Vierle, T; Zammuto, I;
PUBLISHED: 2015, SOURCE: 1st EPS Conference on Plasma Diagnostics, ECPD 2015 in Proceedings of Science, VOLUME: 2015-January
TITLE: A Multichannel Reflectometer for edge Density Profile Measurements at the ICRF Antenna in ASDEX Upgrade  Full Text
AUTHORS: Tudisco, O; Silva, A; Ceccuzzi, S; D'Arcangelo, O; Rocchi, G; Fuenfgelder, H; Bobkov, V; Cavazzana, R; Conway, GD; Friesen, J; Gonçalves, B; Mancini, A; Meneses, L; Noterdaeme, JM; Siegl, G; Simonetto, A; Tsujii, N; Tuccillo, AA; Vierle, T; Zammuto, I; ASDEX Upgrade Team, ; FTU Team, ; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2014, SOURCE: 20th Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas in RADIOFREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS, VOLUME: 1580
INDEXED IN: Scopus WOS CrossRef