TITLE: Frequency of the different mutations causing spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA1, SCA2, MJD/SCA3 and DRPLA) in a large group of Brazilian patients.
AUTHORS: Lopes Cendes, I; Teive, HG; Calcagnotto, ME; Da Costa, JC; Cardoso, F; Viana, E; Maciel, JA; Radvany, J; Arruda, WO; Trevisol Bittencourt, PC; Rosa Neto, P; Silveira, I ; Steiner, CE; Pinto Junior, W; Santos, AS; Correa Neto, Y; Werneck, LC; Araujo, AQ; Carakushansky, G; Mello, LR; Jardim, LB; Rouleau, GA; ...More
PUBLISHED: 1997, SOURCE: Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria, VOLUME: 55, ISSUE: 3 B