TITLE: The wind and the magnetospheric accretion onto the T Tauri star S Coronae Australis at sub-au resolution
AUTHORS: Garcia G Lopez; Perraut, K; Caratti C O Garatti; Lazareff, B; Sanchez Bermudez, J; Benisty, M; Dougados, C; Labadie, L; Brandner, W; Garcia, PJV ; Th. Henning; Ray, TP; Abuter, R; Amorim, A; Anugu, N; Berger, JP; Bonnet, H; Buron, A; Caselli, P; Clenet, Y; Coude C du Foresto; de Wit, W; Deen, C; Delplancke Stroebele, F; Dexter, J; Eckart, A; Eisenhauer, F; Garcia E G Dabo; Gendron, E; Genzel, R; Gillessen, S; Haubois, X; Haug, M; Haussmann, F; Hippler, S; Hubert, Z; Hummel, CA; Horrobin, M; Jocou, L; Kellner, S; Kervella, P; Kulas, M; Kolb, J; Lacour, S; Le Bouquin, JB; Lena, P; Lippa, M; Merand, A; Mueller, E; Ott, T; Panduro, J; Paumard, T; Perrin, G; Pfuhl, O; Ramirez, A; Rau, C; Rohloff, RR; Rousset, G; Scheithauer, S; Schoeller, M; Straubmeier, C; Sturm, E; Thi, WF; van Dishoeck, E; Vincent, F; Waisberg, I; Wank, I; Wieprecht, E; Wiest, M; Wiezorrek, E; Woillez, J; Yazici, S; Zins, G; ...More
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