TITLE: Report on the guidelines on parenteral nutrition in infants, children and adolescents  Full Text
AUTHORS: Koletzko, B; Goulet, O; Hunt, J; Krohn, K; Shamir, R; Agostoni, C; Ball, P; Carnielli, V; Chaloner, C; Clayton, J; Colomb, V; Dijsselhof, M; Fusch, C; Gandullia, P; Genzel Boroviczeny, O; Gottrand, F; Goulet, O; Granot, E; Gray, J; Guerra, A ; Hill, S; Holden, C; Horn, V; Jago, L; Jochum, F; Kolacek, S; Koletzko, S; Ksiazyk, J; Lapillonne, A; Luukkainen, P; Lyszkowska, M; MacDonald, S; Mestroviae, J; Mihatsch, W; Milla, P; Mimouni, F; Misak, Z; Mrsic, I; Newby, L; Pohlandt, F; Protheroe, S; Puntis, J; Rigo, J; Riskin, A; Roberts, J; Szitanyi, P; Thomas, A; Vaisman, N; van Goudoever, H; Yaron, A; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2005, SOURCE: Clinical Nutrition, VOLUME: 24, ISSUE: 6
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef: 9