TITLE: Behaviour and interactions of proteins and peptides with and within membranes; From simple models to cellular membranes: General discussion  Full Text
AUTHORS: Mibel Aguilar; Kareem Al Nahas; Francisco Barrera; Patricia Bassereau; Bastos, Margarida ; Paul Beales; Burkhard Bechinger; Boyan Bonev; Izabella Brand; Amitabha Chattopadhyay; William Degrado; Patrick Fuchs; Ana J Garcia Saez; Bart Hoogenboom; Shobhna Kapoor; Paula Milán Rodríguez; Justin Molloy; Paul O'Shea; Georg Pabst; Sreetama Pal; Amy Rice; Aurelien Roux; John Sanderson; John Seddon; Lukas K Tamm; Aishwarya Vijayakumar; ...More
PUBLISHED: 2021, SOURCE: Faraday Discussions, VOLUME: 232
INDEXED IN: Scopus CrossRef