Path Planning for Robot Navigation Using View Sequences

Document Type
Proceedings Paper
Year published
in WORLD CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING, WCE 2010, VOL I in Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, ISSN: 2078-0958
Pages: 148-153 (6)
World Congress on Engineering (Wce 2010), Date: JUN 30-JUL 02, 2010, Location: Imperial Coll London, London, UNITED KINGDOM, Sponsors: Int Assoc Engineers, IAENG, Soc Artificial Intelligence, IAENG, Soc of Bioinformat, IAENG, Soc Comp Sci, IAENG, Soc Data Min, IAENG, Soc Elect Engn, IAENG, Soc Imag Engn, IAENG, Soc Ind Engn, IAENG, Soc Informat Syst Engn, IAENG, Soc Internet Comp & Web Serv, IAENG, Soc Mech Engn, IAENG, Soc Operat Res, IAENG, Soc Sci Comp, IAENG, Soc Software Engn, IAENG, Soc Wireless Networks, Host: Imperial Coll London
Publication Identifiers
Wos: WOS:000394059800026
Source Identifiers
ISSN: 2078-0958
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